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anna university student login coe2 Controller of examination Coe Student Login Home

 anna university student login coe2

Anna univeristy is maintaining lots of online web portals for student login, the controller of Examination (Coe) had made an additional controller of examination portal for logging into the students dashboard. (URL) Anna university Additional controller student login portal (online) -- student login portal

List Of Official URL's:

Http:// (mirror)

University had Implemented for storing student's internal mark records and most valuable information about students.
anna university
anna university 
Updates: Consequent to the implementation of the Anna University Amendment Act , all the 240 Engineering Colleges from 6 Universities in Tamil Nadu have been affiliated to Anna University and Examination are being conducted from Oct/Nov onwards to

1. All the students admitted to U.G and P.G Programmes to Anna University from July/August onwards
2. All the students admitted in B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch. to other Universities in Tamil Nadu and transferred to Anna University as per the Anna University Amendment Act. The Examination for the Arrear courses in the I & II Semesters are to be conducted by the respective Universities till the students pass.

These Colleges are divided into Ten Zones and the work related to the Conduct of Examinations, Central Valuation etc., have been entrusted to the respective Zonal Co-ordinators and Zonal Officers.

The massive work of conducting examination for about 1,20,000 candidates admitted in Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses during  2016 were undertaken by the University for the first time in Oct./Nov. and April/May. The results were published in time. Mark statements were also sent to Colleges immediately after the publication of results. The students strength is expected to reach 2,40,000 in the next two years when examination for all semesters are conducted.

The entire process of examination is computerized and the University is using all the latest technology available.

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About 1300 question papers on various titles were set and about 12,00,000 answer scripts were valued during April/May  examination. More than 5000 examiners were involved in the evaluation of answer scripts. Supply of Photo copy (Xerox copy) of answer script to the students who apply for the same was introduced for P.G programmes with effect from April/May  Examination. It is decided to extend this facility to all programmes from Nov/Dec examination onwards. home student login Updates result 2017 student login
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anna university student login coe2 Controller of examination Coe Student Login Home Reviewed by anna university on 2:20 AM Rating: 5

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